Sunday, April 26, 2009

Asheville NC Custom Builder explains ENERGY STAR Home Rating System

To earn the ENERGY STAR, a home must meet guidelines for energy efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These homes are at least 15% more energy efficient than homes built to the 2004 International Residential Code (IRC), and include additional energy-saving features that typically make them 20 to 30% more efficient than standard homes. And with home buyers increasingly interested in green building, energy efficiency is the place to start. That's because the energy used in homes often comes from the burning of fossil fuels at power plants, which contributes to smog, acid rain, and risks of global warming. So, the less energy used, the less air pollution generated. And the easy way to make sure a new home is energy efficient is to look for the blue ENERGY STAR mark, the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency.

ENERGY STAR qualified homes can include a variety of 'tried-and-true' energy-efficient features that contribute to improved home quality and homeowner comfort, and to lower energy demand and reduced air pollution: effective insulation, high efficiency windows, tight construction and duct work, efficient heating and cooling equipment, efficient lighting, appliances, water heaters, and getting a third party verification to make sure the whole house operates optimally as an energy saving system. Advantage Development Co. Is an award winning custom green builder that gets the Energy Star rating on ever home they build in Asheville NC and the surrounding WNC areas. Call us at 828-215-9064 or visit us at to learn why we are the better custom home builder.

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